
Your SME Part-Time CIO

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Run the business, not the IT!

You own a small or medium business, and your main target is to run the business, not the IT.

You need a proper information technology management, but your situation makes it complicate to manage it with the help of the typical large scale It management specialist.

Indeed, although such company is providing a stable asset, just because of their size and the standardization requirement involved, they cannot cope properly with your specific situation. This is often caused by your core business being too specific for them, or them not being enough compliant for you, typically imposing their streamlined view on the how to manage your infrastructure.

Having worked with all scales of SME, we are familiar with this profile of SME that require their IT to know in detail your business, while not having the requirement of a permanent position.

A better quality of service

That’s our credo: we are working with a restricted quantity of business, in a continuous and long-term process, and stable interlocutor. So, we know you and you know us, and our reactions, from the point of view of your IT, will have the same quality as the reaction you would have when dealing with our own activity expertise: concerned, dedicated and adequate.

We’ll care that we address all together the typical productivity, reporting, monitoring, security and perennity of the Information Technology pendant of your organization


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